
Issue converting labelme JSON to YOLODataset

zaheerkzz opened this issue · 2 comments

Here is my labelme JSON:

{ "version": "5.3.1", "flags": {}, "shapes": [ { "label": "Center", "points": [ [ 1400, 900 ], [ 1500, 900 ], [ 1500, 1000 ], [ 1400, 1000 ] ], "group_id": null, "description": "", "shape_type": "Rectangle", "flags": {} }, { "label": "LeftGaurd", "points": [ [ 1320, 920 ], [ 1420, 920 ], [ 1420, 1020 ], [ 1320, 1020 ] ], "group_id": null, "description": "", "shape_type": "Circle", "flags": {} }, { "label": "LeftTackle", "points": [ [ 1240, 920 ], [ 1340, 920 ], [ 1340, 1020 ], [ 1240, 1020 ] ], "group_id": null, "description": "", "shape_type": "Circle", "flags": {} } ], "imagePath": "img/latest-00-QBShotGun-WRLeftHashmarkOn-WRRightHashmarkOn-FeatherLeft-WRRightHashmarkOff-FeatherRight-normal-16686378232057195.png", "imageData": "", "imageHeight": 1200, "imageWidth": 2500 }

Im trying to convert to YOLO Dataset using this command:
labelme2yolo --json_dir json --val_size 0.15 --test_size 0.15

It Generates a Folders YOLODataset -> images, label -> test, train val, but the folders are empty.

Im using:

Python 3.10.12
labelme2yolo 0.1.2 

please help with this issue.

Is there any exception info?

The issue fixed on Linux.
On windows this is the exception info.

raise QtBindingsNotFoundError from None
qtpy.QtBindingsNotFoundError: No Qt bindings could be found

I already installed all requirements.