The lru cache on is_connected causes invalid results if new edges are added
Closed this issue · 5 comments
fiendish commented
Adding new edges has to clear the cache, otherwise you get:
>>> from graph import Graph
>>> a = Graph()
>>> a.is_connected(1, 2)
>>> a.add_edge(1, 2)
>>> a.is_connected(1, 2)
fiendish commented
Also it's not documented that is_connected has an lru cache on it, so one would never know that the cache needs to be flushed unless examining the internal code.
root-11 commented
+1. Shall we remove it? Or declare it?
fiendish commented
Probably remove it. If someone wants to cache results, they can always do it externally.
root-11 commented
requires some form of caching to work effectively. Proposal is in branch lru_cache. Please review.
fiendish commented
I added some comments on the branch.