
split standup into daily text check-in and face-to-face project standup(s)

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our current standup format is to post in #root-systems re:

  1. how I'm feeling (meta), 2) what i did yesterday, 3) what I'm doing today, 4) any requests and/or blocks.

this hasn't really been working, as in:

  • we usually only answer in detail the first question "how i'm feeling"
  • it's not super useful as project coordination, which is noticeable when most projects choose to add another process for catching up each day on the project activity

we should probably split the standup into two parts:

  • a text post into #root-systems that signals: 1) how you're feeling, 2) what projects you are working on today, 3) any team requests
  • a face-to-face (in-person or video chat) standup for each project that signals a traditional standup: 1) what did you do yesterday, 2) what are you doing today, 3) any project requests or blocks