
How to integrate with React navigation?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

With many children of a stack, i want each child of the stack can open the drawer and disable drawer on some screen outside stack as login or sign in,..
how to do it?
thank you.


Solution worked for me

my app.js

 openControlPanel = () => {

    closeControlPanel = () => {

    render() {
        return (
                ref={(ref) => this._drawer = ref}
                content={<SideMenu closePanel={this.closeControlPanel}/>}
                    /// for navigation in SideMenu component
                    ref={navigatorRef => {
                    ///pass open drawer to navigation header
                    screenProps={{openDrawer: this.openControlPanel}}/>

then, if you need burger, in screen component use

static navigationOptions = ({ navigation, navigationOptions, screenProps }) => {
        return {
            headerRight: (
            <Burger handleClick={screenProps.openDrawer}/>

that's burger component

const Burger = (props) => {
    return (
    <View style={{padding: 10}}>
            onPress={() => props.handleClick()}


to navigate from side drawer contend used this approach from react navigation docs
just for drawer content component (thats what navigatorRef in RootStack used for)
and pass close drawer method to side menu to manually close it