PS2 on PS4 pkgs with injecting cheat application possible?
stripnwild opened this issue · 0 comments
stripnwild commented
This may be a bit off topic but I want to ask you sir.
Could this be injected into a game .iso for ps2 to ps4 pkgs? or boot as a multidisc etc in a ps4 pkg? I currently inject codebreaker (v9.2 with a craked .elf) into .iso when building ps2 pkgs OR create a multi disc version (disc01 is codebreaker.iso and disc02 is the gamedisc.iso etc) for the ps4 but this becomes problematic with pal games :S
I'm just curious if this might be a program that could be used the same way? It might open up the door for even better cheating on PS2 pkgs on the PS4
Thanks for you time