
`OpsGenie Team / External ID` not supported in the provider.

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Feature request

Setting OpsGenie Team / External ID not supported in the provider.

In the rootly UI it is possible to set/edit a field called OpsGenie Team / External ID. This field currently cannot be provisioned with the rootly terraform provider and doesn't seem to exist in the source.

It is also not possible to read this field with a manual, former import through the UI, because the data source does not expose it either.

The OpsGenie terraform provider does export the team id and we're using terraform to provision both OpsGenie and rootly so this value is available to us - would it be possible to add support for the OpsGenie Team / External ID field to the rootly terraform provider so we can provision the mapping?

Terraform Version

Terraform v1.5.6
on linux_amd64

Affected Resource(s)

  • rootly_team