
Error: Insufficient task_params blocks when generating workflows

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Terraform Version

Run terraform -v to show the version. If you are not running the latest version of Terraform, please upgrade because your issue may have already been fixed.

Affected Resource(s)

Please list the resources as a list, for example:

  • rootly_workflow_task_create_google_meeting
  • rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting
  • rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders
  • rootly_workflow_task_update_pagerduty_incident

there are probably more resource that are impacted but we just are not using in rootly.

Expected Behavior

Terraform generates valid resources declarations when specifying the workflow resource.

Actual Behavior

running terraform plan results in the follow errors:

│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 1, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_google_meeting" "tfer--xxx":
│    1: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_google_meeting" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 1, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx":
│    1: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 9, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx":
│    9: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 17, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx":
│   17: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 25, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx":
│   25: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 33, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx":
│   33: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 41, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx":
│   41: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 49, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx":
│   49: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 57, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx":
│   57: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 65, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx":
│   65: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 73, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx":
│   73: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 81, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx":
│   81: resource "rootly_workflow_task_create_zoom_meeting" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 1, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "xxx":
│    1: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 9, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "xxx":
│    9: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 17, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "xxx":
│   17: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 25, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   25: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 33, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   33: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 41, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   41: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 49, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   49: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 57, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   57: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 65, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   65: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 73, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   73: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 81, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   81: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 89, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx":
│   89: resource "rootly_workflow_task_page_pagerduty_on_call_responders" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.
│ Error: Insufficient task_params blocks
│   on line 1, in resource "rootly_workflow_task_update_pagerduty_incident" "tfer--xxx":
│    1: resource "rootly_workflow_task_update_pagerduty_incident" "tfer--xxx" {
│ At least 1 "task_params" blocks are required.

Steps to Reproduce

Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:

  1. terraformer-rootly import rootly --resources="workflow" --token $ROOTLY_API_TOKEN
  2. terraform init
  3. terraform plan

Thank you Aidan. We'll work on getting fixes for the issues you've opened ASAP.

moved to terrafomer repo: rootlyhq/terraformer#5