
A zsh plugin for a command to pull, git add all files, commit, and push -- all in one command

Primary LanguageShell

(This is an extremely minor fork of the useful original that simply adds the --signoff flag to git commits, as it's required by some repos.)

ZSH send plugin

The following zsh plugin enables a really useful git shortcut:

send 'my first commit'

will get translated to

git add (everything in current git repository)
git commit -m 'my first commit'
git pull origin (the current git branch)
git push origin (the current git branch)

That is, by writing send, we are able to add our changes, submit a commit, pull from upstream (by default, the remote origin) and then push upstream. Frequently, developers write out this workflow in full hundreds of times a day, so this is a useful time-saving technique.


If you're using Antigen, just add antigen bundle robertzk/send.zsh to your .zshrc file where you're loading your other zsh plugins.


If you're using oh-my-zsh, you can do:

  1. git clone git@github.com:robertzk/send.zsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/send
  2. echo "plugins+=(send)" >> ~/.zshrc

(Alternatively, you can add the send plugin to the plugins=(...) local in your ~/.zshrc manually.)

If you're using Zgen, add zgen load robertzk/send.zsh to your .zshrc file where you're loading your other zsh plugins.

Bash users

If you use the non-recommended alternative, bash, you can install this directly to your ~/.bash_profile:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robertzk/send.zsh/master/send.plugin.zsh >> ~/.bash_profile