
BTCpay: use with testnet

openoms opened this issue · 10 comments

Currently BTCPayServer does not work with testnet: #1198

Will need to identify the relevant config options and apply automatically.

The settings menu does not allow to switch to testnet while BTCPayServer is installed:

So I think we can push this to a later release.

Agree that it is not urgent.
To play around on testnet there is also: https://testnet.demo.btcpayserver.org

Although not urgent newbies will fall in this issue as they use TESTNET often by default.
Updating the README with one line to mention this issue #1724.

Got all the config options:

admin@rpi4GB64:~ $ sudo -u btcpay /home/btcpay/dotnet/dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release -p "/home/btcpay/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj" -- -h
Open source, self-hosted payment processor.

Usage: BTCPay [options]

  -? | -h | --help            Show help information
  -n | --network              Set the network among (mainnet,testnet,regtest) (default: mainnet)
  --testnet | -testnet        Use testnet (deprecated, use --network instead)
  --regtest | -regtest        Use regtest (deprecated, use --network instead)
  --signet | -signet          Use signet (deprecated, use --network instead)
  --allow-admin-registration  For debug only, will show a checkbox when a new user register to add himself as admin. (default: false)
  --chains | -c               Chains to support as a comma separated (default: btc; available: btc)
  --postgres                  Connection string to a PostgreSQL database
  --mysql                     Connection string to a MySQL database
  --sqlitefile                File name to an SQLite database file inside the data directory
  --externalservices          Links added to external services inside Server Settings / Services under the format service1:path2;service2:path2.(default: empty)
  --bundlejscss               Bundle JavaScript and CSS files for better performance (default: true)
  --rootpath                  The root path in the URL to access BTCPay (default: /)
  --sshconnection             SSH server to manage BTCPay under the form user@server:port (default: root@externalhost or empty)
  --sshpassword               SSH password to manage BTCPay (default: empty)
  --sshkeyfile                SSH private key file to manage BTCPay (default: empty)
  --sshkeyfilepassword        Password of the SSH keyfile (default: empty)
  --sshauthorizedkeys         Path to a authorized_keys file that BTCPayServer can modify from the website (default: empty)
  --sshtrustedfingerprints    SSH Host public key fingerprint or sha256 (default: empty, it will allow untrusted connections)
  --torrcfile                 Path to torrc file containing hidden services directories (default: empty)
  --socksendpoint             Socks endpoint to connect to onion urls (default: empty)
  --updateurl                 Url used for once a day new release version check. Check performed only if value is not empty (default: empty)
  --debuglog                  A rolling log file for debug messages.
  --debugloglevel             The severity you log (default:information)
  --disable-registration      Disables new user registrations (default:true)
  --plugin-remote             Which github repository to fetch the available plugins list (default:btcpayserver/btcpayserver-plugins)
  --recommended-plugins       Plugins which would be marked as recommended to be installed. Separated by newline or space
  --xforwardedproto           If specified, set X-Forwarded-Proto to the specified value, this may be useful if your reverse proxy handle https but is not configured to add X-Forwarded-Proto (example: --xforwardedproto https)
  --btcexplorerurl            URL of the NBXplorer for BTC (default:
  --btcexplorercookiefile     Path to the cookie file (default: /home/btcpay/.nbxplorer/Main/.cookie)
  --btclightning              Easy configuration of lightning for the server administrator: Must be a UNIX socket of c-lightning (lightning-rpc) or URL to a charge server (default: empty)
  --btcexternallndgrpc        The LND gRPC configuration BTCPay will expose to easily connect to the internal lnd wallet from an external wallet (default: empty)
  --btcexternallndrest        The LND REST configuration BTCPay will expose to easily connect to the internal lnd wallet from an external wallet (default: empty)
  --btcexternalrtl            The Ride the Lightning configuration so BTCPay will expose to easily open it in server settings (default: empty)
  --btcexternalspark          Show spark information in Server settings / Server. The connection string to spark server (default: empty)
  --btcexternalcharge         Show lightning charge information in Server settings/Server. The connection string to charge server (default: empty)
  -c | --conf                 The configuration file
  -p | --port                 The port on which to listen
  -b | --bind                 The address on which to bind
  -d | --datadir              The data directory

For NBXplorer:

sudo -u btcpay /home/btcpay/dotnet/dotnet "/home/btcpay/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/NBXplorer.dll" -c /home/btcpay/.nbxplorer/Main/settings.config -h
Lightweight block explorer for tracking HD wallets

Usage: NBXplorer [options]

  -? | -h | --help         Show help information
  -n | --network           Set the network among (mainnet,testnet,regtest) (default: mainnet)
  --testnet | -testnet     Use testnet
  --regtest | -regtest     Use regtest
  --signet | -signet       Use signet
  --chains                 Chains to support comma separated (default: btc, available: agm,btc,btx,ltc,doge,bch,grs,btg,dash,trc,polis,mona,ftc,ufo,via,xmcc,gbx,colx,chc,lbtc,qtum,mue)
  --dbcache                If more than 0, the size of the cache for the database, in MB. Else, no limit on the size of the cache. (default: 50)
  --agmrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --agmrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --agmrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --agmrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --agmrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --agmrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --agmstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --agmminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --agmnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --agmhastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --btcrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --btcrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btcrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btcrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btcrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btcrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --btcstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --btcminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --btcnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --btchastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --btxrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --btxrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btxrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btxrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btxrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btxrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --btxstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --btxminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --btxnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --btxhastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --ltcrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --ltcrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --ltcrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --ltcrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --ltcrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --ltcrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --ltcstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --ltcminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --ltcnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --ltchastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --dogerescan             Rescan from startheight
  --dogerpcuser            RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --dogerpcpassword        RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --dogerpccookiefile      RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --dogerpcauth            RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --dogerpcurl             The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --dogestartheight        The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --dogeminutxovalue       The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --dogenodeendpoint       The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --dogehastxindex         If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --bchrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --bchrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --bchrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --bchrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --bchrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --bchrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --bchstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --bchminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --bchnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --bchhastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --grsrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --grsrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --grsrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --grsrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --grsrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --grsrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --grsstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --grsminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --grsnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --grshastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --btgrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --btgrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btgrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btgrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btgrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --btgrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --btgstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --btgminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --btgnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --btghastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --dashrescan             Rescan from startheight
  --dashrpcuser            RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --dashrpcpassword        RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --dashrpccookiefile      RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --dashrpcauth            RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --dashrpcurl             The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --dashstartheight        The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --dashminutxovalue       The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --dashnodeendpoint       The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --dashhastxindex         If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --trcrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --trcrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --trcrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --trcrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --trcrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --trcrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --trcstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --trcminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --trcnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --trchastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --polisrescan            Rescan from startheight
  --polisrpcuser           RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --polisrpcpassword       RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --polisrpccookiefile     RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --polisrpcauth           RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --polisrpcurl            The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --polisstartheight       The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --polisminutxovalue      The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --polisnodeendpoint      The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --polishastxindex        If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --monarescan             Rescan from startheight
  --monarpcuser            RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --monarpcpassword        RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --monarpccookiefile      RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --monarpcauth            RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --monarpcurl             The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --monastartheight        The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --monaminutxovalue       The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --monanodeendpoint       The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --monahastxindex         If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --ftcrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --ftcrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --ftcrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --ftcrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --ftcrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --ftcrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --ftcstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --ftcminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --ftcnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --ftchastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --uforescan              Rescan from startheight
  --uforpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --uforpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --uforpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --uforpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --uforpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --ufostartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --ufominutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --ufonodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --ufohastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --viarescan              Rescan from startheight
  --viarpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --viarpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --viarpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --viarpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --viarpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --viastartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --viaminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --vianodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --viahastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --xmccrescan             Rescan from startheight
  --xmccrpcuser            RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --xmccrpcpassword        RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --xmccrpccookiefile      RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --xmccrpcauth            RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --xmccrpcurl             The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --xmccstartheight        The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --xmccminutxovalue       The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --xmccnodeendpoint       The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --xmcchastxindex         If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --gbxrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --gbxrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --gbxrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --gbxrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --gbxrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --gbxrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --gbxstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --gbxminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --gbxnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --gbxhastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --colxrescan             Rescan from startheight
  --colxrpcuser            RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --colxrpcpassword        RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --colxrpccookiefile      RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --colxrpcauth            RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --colxrpcurl             The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --colxstartheight        The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --colxminutxovalue       The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --colxnodeendpoint       The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --colxhastxindex         If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --chcrescan              Rescan from startheight
  --chcrpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --chcrpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --chcrpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --chcrpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --chcrpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --chcstartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --chcminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --chcnodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --chchastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --lbtcrescan             Rescan from startheight
  --lbtcrpcuser            RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --lbtcrpcpassword        RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --lbtcrpccookiefile      RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --lbtcrpcauth            RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --lbtcrpcurl             The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --lbtcstartheight        The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --lbtcminutxovalue       The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --lbtcnodeendpoint       The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --lbtchastxindex         If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --qtumrescan             Rescan from startheight
  --qtumrpcuser            RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --qtumrpcpassword        RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --qtumrpccookiefile      RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --qtumrpcauth            RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --qtumrpcurl             The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --qtumstartheight        The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --qtumminutxovalue       The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --qtumnodeendpoint       The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --qtumhastxindex         If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --muerescan              Rescan from startheight
  --muerpcuser             RPC authentication method 1: The RPC user (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --muerpcpassword         RPC authentication method 1: The RPC password (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --muerpccookiefile       RPC authentication method 2: The RPC cookiefile (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --muerpcauth             RPC authentication method 3: user:password or cookiefile=path (default: using cookie auth from default network folder)
  --muerpcurl              The RPC server url (default: default rpc server depended on the network)
  --muestartheight         The height where starting the scan (default: where your rpc server was synched when you first started this program)
  --mueminutxovalue        The minimum value of tracked UTXOs, any UTXO with value less than this is ignored. (default: 1 (satoshi))
  --muenodeendpoint        The p2p connection to a Bitcoin node, make sure you are whitelisted (default: default p2p node on localhost, depends on network)
  --muehastxindex          If true, NBXplorer will try to fetch missing transactions from the local node (default: false)
  --asbcnstr               [For Azure Service Bus] Azure Service Bus Connection string. New Block and New Transaction messages will be pushed to queues when this values is set
  --asbblockq              [For Azure Service Bus] Name of Queue to push new block message to. Leave blank to turn off
  --asbtranq               [For Azure Service Bus] Name of Queue to push new transaction message to. Leave blank to turn off
  --asbblockt              [For Azure Service Bus] Name of Topic to push new block message to. Leave blank to turn off
  --asbtrant               [For Azure Service Bus] Name of Topic to push new transaction message to. Leave blank to turn off
  --rmqhost                [For RabbitMq] RabbitMq host name. Leave blank to turn off
  --rmquser                [For RabbitMq] RabbitMq username. Leave blank to turn off
  --rmqpass                [For RabbitMq] RabbitMq password. Leave blank to turn off
  --rmqvirtual             [For RabbitMq] RabbitMq virtual host.
  --rmqtranex              [For RabbitMq] Name of exchange to push transaction messages.
  --rmqblockex             [For RabbitMq] Name of exchange to push block messages.
  --customkeypathtemplate  Define an additional derivation path tracked by NBXplorer (Format: m/1/392/*/29, default: empty)
  --maxgapsize             The maximum gap address count on which the explorer will track derivation schemes (default: 30)
  --mingapsize             The minimum gap address count on which the explorer will track derivation schemes (default: 20)
  --trimevents             When NBXplorer starts, NBXplorer will remove old events to reach this count. No trimming if equals to less than 0 (default: -1)
  --signalfilesdir         The directory where files signaling if a chain is ready is created (default: the network specific datadir)
  --noauth                 Disable cookie authentication
  --instancename           Define an instance name for this server that, if not null, will show in status response and in HTTP response headers (default: empty)
  --cachechain             Whether the chain of header is locally cached for faster startup (default: true)
  --rpcnotest              Faster start because RPC connection testing skipped (default: false)
  --exposerpc              Expose the node RPC through the REST API (default: false)
  -v | --verbose           Verbose logs (default: true)
  -c | --conf              The configuration file
  -p | --port              The port on which to listen
  -b | --bind              The address on which to bind
  -d | --datadir           The data directory

merged #2067 - test with "testnet"

Should be OK for v1.7 ... but pushing final testing to v1.7.1

The testnet setup has changed on RaspiBlitz with v1.7.1 ... it now runs parallel to mainnet. So it might makes more sense to offer a BitpayTest version (like with RTL) in a future version. Moving to v1.8.0

Hey @rootzoll @openoms do you think that in a near future we could run an installation of BTCPay Server on testnet? I'm looking to make some test payments and validate them with my node but I can't manage how to do it.

I think that will not happen very quickly because the WebUI bind almost all our resoources - but always open to community PRs to make this happen more faster.