
Node.js: REST API + WebSocket + React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js: Working with REST APIs - The Basics & The Practical Application (BACK-END)

Examples from the "Section 24: Working with REST APIs - The Basics" and "Section 25: Working with REST APIs - The Practical Application" and "Section 26: Understanding Async Await in Node.js" and "Section 27: Understanding Websockets & Socket.io" of the course "NodeJS - The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)" by Academind (Maximilian Schwarzmüller).

Section 24 covered:

  • What are REST APIs and why do we use Them?
  • Accessing Data with REST APIs
  • Understanding Routing & HTTP Methods
  • REST APIs - The Core Principles
  • Creating our REST API Project & Implementing the Route Setup
  • Sending Requests & Responses and Working with Postman
  • REST APIs, Clients & CORS Errors
  • Sending POST Requests

Section 25 covered:

  • REST APIs & The Rest Of The Course
  • Understanding the Frontend Setup
  • Planning the API
  • Fetching Lists of Posts
  • Adding a Create Post Endpoint
  • Adding Server Side Validation
  • Setting Up a Post Model
  • Storing Posts in the Database
  • Static Images & Error Handling
  • Fetching a Single Post
  • Uploading Images
  • Updating Posts
  • Deleting Posts
  • Adding Pagination
  • Adding a User Model
  • Adding User Signup Validation
  • Signing Users Up
  • How Does Authentication Work?
  • Starting with User Login
  • Logging In & Creating JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
  • Using & Validating the Token
  • Adding Auth Middleware to All Routes
  • Connecting Posts & Users
  • Adding Authorization Checks
  • Clearing Post-User Relations

Section 26 covered:

  • What is Async Await All About?
  • Transforming "Then Catch" to "Async Await"
  • Top-level "await"

Section 27 covered:

  • What Are Websockets & Why Would You Use Them?
  • Websocket Solutions - An Overview
  • Setting Up Socket.io on the Server
  • Establishing a Connection From the Client
  • Identifying Realtime Potential
  • Sharing the IO Instance Across Files
  • Synchronizing POST Additions
  • Fixing a Bug - The Missing Username
  • Updating Posts On All Connected Clients
  • Sorting Correctly
  • Deleting Posts Across Clients

More info: https://www.udemy.com/course/nodejs-the-complete-guide/