
ft_get() and ft_abstract() don't seem to work with scopus, even with a key

DomRoche opened this issue · 6 comments


Unsure if anyone is maintaining fulltext since Scott Chamberlain moved on... but just in case:

I'm trying to find all papers that mention the word "ebird" using fulltext.

I got an API key from Elsevier and added it as an environment variable:

Sys.setenv(ELSEVIER_SCOPUS_KEY = "keynumber")
Sys.setenv(ELSEVIER_TDM_KEY = "keynumber")

I get 2623 hits in scopus using ft_search (more than when using any other source, such as 'entrez'):

ll<-ft_search(query = 'ebird', from = 'scopus', limit=2650)

However, when I try to run ft_get(ll), I get the message "the following not supported and will be skipped: scopus".

I also run into problems when I try to retrieve the abstracts using the following:

DOIs <- ll$scopus$data[,12]
nn <- ft_abstract(x = DOIs, from = "scopus", scopusopts = list(key = "keynumber"))

It takes about 30s until I get the message "Error: The resource specified cannot be found."

I know that fulltext is no longer available on CRAN (got it from GitHub) and that it is no longer supported. However, I was under the impression, from all the reading I have done online, that it is possible to use scopus as a source with ft_abstract(). Has anything changed recently?


don't know what's specifically going on here, but in general, turn on verbose curl output crul::set_verbose() to seed curl headers. Check to see if your API key is still valid or not And they also check IP addresses, so you have to be on your VPN probably if you're not on campus or similar if you're at a company

Hi Scott,

Many thanks for your speedy reply - much appreciated, especially given you are no longer supporting the package.

API key is valid and VPN was on. I turned on the verbose curl output (thanks for that suggestion!) and saw that the issue came from the vector of DOIs containing NAs. After removing those, ft_(abstract) ran partly on the first try and completely on the second. Problem solved - thank you!

Of 2,623 papers found with ft_search(), 2,378 have DOIs. ft_abstract() returned abstracts for 2,305 DOIs.

Question (if you have time): how do I identify the 73 DOIs for which no abstract was returned? I see in the manual that it's possible to return errors with ft_get() [e.g. res$elife$errors] but that doesn't seem to be the case for ft_abstract().

I plan to get the abstract for papers without DOIs using another identifier as explained in the section 7.2 of the manual.

RE ft_get(): I still get the same error message if I try to run ft_get(ll). However, it does run if I input the vector of DOIs without NAs. Unfortunately, it stalls relatively quickly and I get the error message:

Error in if (is.null(x) || y else x :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I looked at the list of possible errors in the manual and there doesn't appear to be a mention of this one.

Wondering if you've seen this before and there is a quick fix?

Thanks a lot,

don't the DOIs that have no abstract still show up in the output of ft_abstract? like

[1] "10.1371/journal.pgen.1006173"

[1] ""

if so, then just filter the output of ft_abstract to those list elements that have no abstract, something like

Filter(function(x) !nzchar(x$abstract), out$scopus)

Good point! Yes, they do. Thanks

Weirdly, however, Filter(function(x) !nzchar(x$abstract), out$scopus) returns a list of length 0

Whereas Filter(function(x) nzchar(x$abstract), out$scopus) returns a list of length 2305 as expected

I haven't had to work with lists of lists (the output of ft_abstract) much... any idea why this option insn't working? I haven't found an alternative so far...

I'd inspect one of the list elements with no abstract. Perhaps where i get "" you are getting something else

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