Error in Authenticated Setup with rtweet Package after Updating R and Packages to Version 4.2.3
Closed this issue · 1 comments
pluscommunication commented
I have made an update to R - from 4.2.2. to 4.2.3. I have updated all the packages. When I wanted to authetificate to rtweet, I received this error. What should I do? Please help
Error in httr::init_oauth1.0(endpoint, app, permission = permission, is_interactive = is_interactive, :
Bad Request (HTTP 400).
llrs commented
This error is not related to the update of rtweet or R.
Twitter suspended the account provided by default with rtweet.
You should get your own method to authenticate with Twitter: Free, Basic or Enterprise.
Note, that rtweet doesn't work yet with the free endpoints, and does work with some of the basic endpoints.
I'm closing this question but you can reply below if you wish.