
Remove legends from the app

shreyagupta0909 opened this issue · 4 comments

We are using iheatmapr and we want to remove the legends from the app.
Before the package was updated we were able to remove the legends but now it seems the functionality is not working.

Thanks for opening an issue -- can you please provide an example? Ideally reproducible? And also specify the package version you are using. If you're referring to the show_colorbar argument, as far as I can tell it is still working with the latest version of main_heatmap and iheatmap.

We are able to readjust the position of the legends using the following:

mat <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 5, nrow = 4)
hm <- main_heatmap(mat
,colorbar_grid = setup_colorbar_grid(nrows = -2, y_length =0
,x_spacing =0, y_spacing = 0,
x_start =0,y_start = -1) )

But we would like to remove it. The show_colorbar argument is left unused.

hm <- main_heatmap(mat
,colorbar_grid = setup_colorbar_grid(nrows = -2, y_length =0
,x_spacing =0, y_spacing = 0,
x_start =0,y_start = -1),show_colorbar=F )

Error in .local(data, ...) : unused argument (show_colorbar = F)


Thanks for the example and session info -- Please try updating to version 0.4.12 (either via CRAN or install_github); it should have fixed this bug.

Thank you.. this worked.