
Improve documentation regarding endnotes

Closed this issue · 5 comments

elinw commented

Thanks for this, I'm so happy to have easily extracted most of the xml data. However I noticed that some of the articles have endnotes rather than footnotes and I was wondering if you would consider adding a function to read those.

Could you point me to a specific file that contains endnotes? A link to the file on JSTOR would be enough, then I can take a look.

elinw commented

Here's the summary from find_article():
basename_id journal_doi journal_jcode journal_pub_id article_doi article_pub_id article_jcode
1 43264001 NA abajafhocodela 43264001
article_type article_title
1 research-article How to Respond to a Subpoena for Records by a Grand Jury or the HUD Inspector General
volume issue language pub_day pub_month pub_year first_page last_page
1 3 4 eng 1 7 1994 7 15

For this particularly article, the endnotes are stored in the ref-list, which find_references extracts.
Therefore you can extract the endnotes via: jstor::find_references("path_to_file.xml").

From my experience, if there is information about citations contained in the xml-file, it can be retrieved either with find_footnotes or find_references. However, the documentation for this could probably be clearer.

Where would you expect hints on this behavior, so that you would find out about it on your own?

elinw commented

Oh I really thought I had checked and double checked but they were in my references file. I guess that makes sense in that endnotes are generally more like references than footnotes are and I think I was assuming they would be in footnotes since they are notes. Still, it would be good to document (I would probably put it in both places).

Thanks for your comments! If you find any other issues, feel free to open another issue or create a pull request.