dng pitcure to jpg
salder opened this issue · 2 comments
I need to convert dng files to jpg including all exif information most important the coordinates and time.
when using image_convert() an jpg image is produced and saved, but the exif information is still the same:
property value
1 date:create 2024-01-09T14:49:06+00:00
after image convert:
im property value
1 date:create 2024-01-09T14:49:06+00:00s(img.jpg)
it is still the same but it should be like this:
date:timestamp | 2024-01-10T09:07:14+00:00
let me know if you nedd som files some example!
Best regards
Sven Adler
Can you please include an example image url and format the code we need to run in ```r such that we can easily reproduce the exact problem ?
#I will send the images via mail!
img <- image_read(dng.path,strip = FALSE)
# property value
# 1 date:create 2024-01-09T15:37:11+00:00
# 2 date:modify 2024-01-09T15:37:16+00:00
# 3 date:timestamp 2024-01-10T18:24:33+00:00
# 4 dng:camera.model.name L1D-20c
# 5 dng:create.date 2023-08-14T09:12:01+00:00
# 6 dng:exposure.time 1/100
# 7 dng:f.number 4
# 8 dng:focal.length 1e+01 mm
# 9 dng:focal.length.in.35mm.format 28 mm
# 10 dng:gps.altitude 8e+02 m
# 11 dng:gps.latitude 7e+01 deg 5' 16" N
# 12 dng:gps.longitude 2e+01 deg 2e+01' 18" W
# 13 dng:iso.setting 1e+02
# 14 dng:lens 0-0mm f/0-0
# 15 dng:lens.f.stops 0.00
# 16 dng:lens.type
# 17 dng:make Hasselblad
# 18 dng:max.aperture.at.max.focal 0
# 19 dng:max.aperture.at.min.focal 0
# 20 dng:max.aperture.value 3
# 21 dng:max.focal.length 0 mm
# 22 dng:min.focal.length 0.0 mm
# 23 dng:serial.number 0K8THCE0120186
# 24 dng:software
# 25 dng:wb.rb.levels 2.89844 1.83594 1 0
image_convert(img,format = "jpeg")->img_jpg
#the same as above
#the image attributes av en jpg file should look like this
jpg.path<-"L:/drönare i branter/klimpfjall/DJI_0001.jpg"
img <- image_read(jpg.path,strip = FALSE)
#the img_jpg enfolds not the right propertys which makes it not readable from other programs.
#a function that makes it possible to define the atributes might be a simple resolution, set_attributes?