
pkgdown: issue on inherit methods.

SteveViss opened this issue · 5 comments

Hard to fix this one... don't know what it is.
@KevCaz , could you have a look if you have a moment.
Thanks !

> pkgdown::build_article("rmangal")
Reading 'vignettes/rmangal.Rmd'
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
  unable to find an inherited method for function 'mapView' for signature '"tbl_df"'

Even more strange as devtools::build_vignettes() works

devtools::build_site() works on master.

R> pkgdown::build_article("rmangal")
Error: Can't find article called 'rmangal'

oops... wrong branch... my bad. But still, it works fine:

R> pkgdown::build_article("rmangal")
Reading 'vignettes/rmangal.Rmd'
Writing 'articles/rmangal.html'

This is so strange. I'll have to investigate. I had warning with igraph too. I updated pkgdown. I close this issue as it is related to my own environment.