pachadotdev opened this issue ยท 6 comments
I was invited to maintain this package. I hope to do it well.
I emailed @jazzido, and Tabula is in dormant state, but will be resumed soon.
Here are some important points I detected
- Reorganize tabulizerjars and tabulizer into a single package (
- Add a recent tabulizer version that passes
(#155) - Make it work with Java > 8 (#154)
- Fix area issue (#127 (comment))
- Rename to tabulapdf? (#153)
- Discuss if we'll keep this in the r-universe or plan to send to CRAN
I would love to have feedback from who have commented in the issues
I have been exploring where this fails, and I will present a roadmap in forthcoming weeks. These are not simple changes.
I prefer packages on CRAN because it is much simpler to install for me. (For my work, there are hoops to jump through when installing non-CRAN packages.) But if it's a huge burden, then having the package exist is more important.
Hi @pachadotdev ! Thank you for being a maintainer of this package.
In my experience, tabulizer is a great package, and many people have difficulty installing it (including myself, students, and people posting in forums about R in Portuguese).
So it would be great if tabulizer is easier to install.
About CRAN, I agree with @billdenney : #156 (comment)
About renaming the package, a lot of people already know tabulizer with that name, so does the name change worth the time spent renaming it and letting people know about the change?
thanks @billdenney @beatrizmilz
i'll leave this issue open, as we'll be rewriting some parts to ease the installation
Hello there, I would love to use the tabulizer in R and would love to install it without the pain currently is requiring . I am novice in R and in programming in general but truly frustrates me that with jdk 19 doesn't works neither with oracle nor with open jdk... looking forward to seeing the development!
@HomeStayMom @billdenney @beatrizmilz I added multiple changes, being the most relevant
- Updated to use tabula 1.0.5
- Works with OpenJDK 11
- Does not use tabulizerjars
I have renamed it to tabulapdf. There are breaking changes and I still need to fix some functions until all tests pass.
tabulapdf was accepted on CRAN today