
Python-gdal on Travis and Appveyor

leonawicz opened this issue · 3 comments

GDAL remains unavailable on Travis and Appveyor. While tests and examples using tile can run without creating tiles, tests and examples will fail if they require access to outputs of tile, as they will not exist. I have not yet figured out how to make the required libraries and bindings available in Travis and Appveyor via .travis.yml and appveyor.yml. Help appreciated.

are you interested in using GitHub Actions instead? I can help with setting this up

are you interested in using GitHub Actions instead? I can help with setting this up

Hi, yes this is an old one. Travis is not even a good option anymore. GitHub Actions would be ideal. Along with any PR for your other requested improvements, I would be happy to add you to the package as a contributor. My time is limited lately but I can make time to review changes.


a few tweaks later and i have basic checks running:

  • R CMD check on macOS (R release) and ubuntu 20.04 (R-devel, R release, R oldrel)
  • codecov coverage check running on ubuntu-latest
