
SCREEN_WIDTH and SCREEN_HEIGHT macros not passed to csound

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The macros are available in the cabbage section, but don't appear to get passed on to csound. User created macros are being passed properly.

Just opening for tracking, discussed on the forums here:

Here's a minimal example:

form size(200, 200), caption("Macro test"), pluginid("mcro"), colour(0,0,0,255)
#define TEST test message

-n -d -m0d

nchnls = 2	
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
	Smsg = sprintf(" !!! TEST : %s\n", "$TEST")
	prints Smsg

	Smsg = sprintf(" !!! SCREEN_WIDTH : %s\n", "$SCREEN_WIDTH")
	prints Smsg
i1 0 z

I've added these as reserved channels:

form size(200, 200), caption("Macro test"), pluginId("mcro"), colour(0,0,0,255)

-n -d -m0d

nchnls = 2	
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
	Smsg = sprintf(" !!! SCREEN_WIDTH : %i\n", chnget:i("SCREEN_WIDTH"))
	prints Smsg

	Smsg = sprintf(" !!! SCREEN_HEIGHT : %i\n",  chnget:i("SCREEN_HEIGHT"))
	prints Smsg
i1 0 z