
Linux Installation Questions

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I thought i'd just share this here, so anyone can point out if it's wrong. And some problems with the installation.

I compiled cabbage against my csound compile. To do this, add CXXFLAGS="-I <csound include directory>" as flags to the cmake commands in the platform.system() == "Linux" portion of the I've also decided to forgo the InstallDependencies of the script, mostly because I didn't want to include a ppa repository.

Now in CabbageInstall/bin there are a few .so files and vst3 directories. But the install script doesn't put these into the correct places where the local vst and vst3 installations are. Am i right to assume the .so files are vst2? And so should i manually cp them to the correct directories?

Also what does the CabbagePlugin do? Is it mean to function as a standalone like Cabbage?

Those libraries should not go into the main plugin folders. They are used by Cabbage when you export a plugin. Cabbage needs to be able to find them. You can run Cabbage our of that bin dir, that should work fine. No need to run the installer. As long as all the binary files stay in the same directory things should be fine.