
Installation not work on linux manjaro distro based

Closed this issue · 10 comments


I followed the tutorial for build and install cabbage on Linux. I think the build was a sucess, because of the Installers directory. But when I try to install, by following the comands, this log errors appears:

installing ../../CabbageInstall/images/cabbage.png to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps
install: não foi possível obter estado de '../../CabbageInstall/bin/': Arquivo ou diretório inexistente
installing ../../CabbageInstall/bin/
to /usr/bin
install: não foi possível obter estado de '../../CabbageInstall/desktop/': Arquivo ou diretório inexistente
installing ../../CabbageInstall/desktop/
to /usr/share/applications
installing VST3 effect interface to /usr/bin/CabbagePluginEffect.vst3
cp: não foi possível obter estado de '../../CabbageInstall/bin/CabbagePluginEffect.vst3': Arquivo ou diretório inexistente
installing VST3 effect interface to /usr/bin/CabbagePluginSynth.vst3
cp: não foi possível obter estado de '../../CabbageInstall/bin/CabbagePluginSynth.vst3': Arquivo ou diretório inexistente
installing Examples to /usr/share/doc/cabbage/Examples
installing CabbageManual to /usr/share/doc/cabbage/CabbageManual
installing CabbageRack to /usr/bin/CabbageRack
installing Themes to /usr/share/cabbage/Themes

Did you try running as sudo?

This log error appeared when I ran it as sudo

I think the problem is because my system has directories in Português

This could be the reason. You can edit the folders in this file
and try rerunning it. All the install directories are listed at the top.


Let me know if that works :)

Actually I came back to Windows10, so I can't test if it works or not. But I really appreciate your attention and support.

PS.: But it's work just fine on Windows10.

If you do ever get to modify the scripts on Linux let me know if it works out for you. Feel free to reopen this issue at a later date if you need to.