Variation between visualized open street map and google map route
RNambiar1996 opened this issue · 1 comments
My name is Rahul Nambiar and I am a student at Nanyang Technological University.
I am trying to write a global planner based on open_street_map package. In order to verify the path published by the package, I tried tracking the gps position of the robot in google maps and found that the path is not the same. Even though on simulation the robot follows the road as per the open street map package, according to google map it seems to be moving at an angle to the road in the visualized map.
Is this something wrong with the transform published from local_map to map? I use the start position of the robot as the transform values.
Have been stuck with this for a while. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi sorry! I found the issue. When I published the markers in the local_map frame and applied a transform from local_map -> map, the orientation was misaligned because the map frame wasn't initialized along the north east axes.
Now I publish the markers in the utm frame and use navsat_transform to publish the transform from the utm->map frame. This has resolved the issue.