
Document the `offered_qos_profiles` argument of `TopicMetadata`

asymingt opened this issue · 3 comments


Right now it's not clear how to use the offered_qos_profiles argument of TopicMetadata in the rosbag2_py API. By looking at the source code I have worked out that it's stringified YAML but I can't work out the exact syntax. Looking at the QoS overrides syntax, I would assume that it's something like this:

import rosbag2_py

offered_qos_profiles = """
- reliability : reliable
  durability: volatile
  history: keep_last
  depth: 100

topic_metadata = rosbag2_py.TopicMetadata(

Or possibly something like this:

import yaml
import rosbag2_py
from rclpy.qos import QoSProfile, QoSReliabilityPolicy, QoSDurabilityPolicy, QoSHistoryPolicy

offered_qos_profiles = yaml.dump([{
   "reliability" : int(QoSReliabilityPolicy.RELIABLE),
    "durability": int(QoSDurabilityPolicy.VOLATILE),
    "history": int(QoSHistoryPolicy.KEEP_LAST),
    "depth": 100}], default_flow_style=True)

topic_metadata = rosbag2_py.TopicMetadata(

In both cases there is no runtime error and the bag superficially looks good:

$ ros2 bag info preprocess.bag

Files:             preprocess.bag_0.mcap
Bag size:          2.4 MiB
Storage id:        mcap
Duration:          4290.0s
Start:             Oct 12 2015 12:00:00.0 (1444651200.0)
End:               Oct 12 2015 13:11:30.0 (1444655490.0)
Messages:          42901
Topic information: Topic: /clock | Type: rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock | Count: 42901 | Serialization Format: cdr

The trouble is when you try and play it, then you get this error:

$ ros2 bag bag play preprocess.bag
[INFO] [1689265071.129672762] [rosbag2_player]: Set rate to 1
invalid node; this may result from using a map iterator as a sequence iterator, or vice-versa

I have confirmed that removing offered_qos_profiles=offered_qos_profiles from the TopicMetadata constructor removed warning at the cost of losing QoS information.

Related Issues


Completion Criteria

Need to have: A section in the root README that provides a short guide on how to get the QoS syntax correct to ensure that the offered profiles are parseable at runtime.

Nice to have: at bag generation time, issue a warning or error if the profiles are not readable when you call writer.create_topic(topic_metadata).

Implementation Notes / Suggestions

I'd be happy to implement this feature if you show me one example of how to get this working. I still am unable to the the offered QoS profiles stringified YAML syntax correct.

Testing Notes / Suggestions

A test showing that an unparseable offered_qos_profiles value results in a warning or error being thrown when writer.create_topic(topic_metadata) is called.

I was able to work out the serialization scheme by poking around an existing working bag, and I found this:

>>> bag_file = os.path.join(get_package_prefix('my_test'), 'bags', 'example.bag')
>>> storage_options, converter_options = get_rosbag_options(bag_file, 'sqlite3')
>>> reader = rosbag2_py.SequentialReader()
>>>, converter_options)
[INFO] [1689268155.189086900] [rosbag2_storage]: Opened database for READ_ONLY.
>>> tm = reader.get_all_topics_and_types()
>>> tm[0]
>>> tm[0].offered_qos_profiles
'- history: 3\n  depth: 0\n  reliability: 1\n  durability: 2\n  deadline:\n    sec: 9223372036\n    nsec: 854775807\n  lifespan:\n    sec: 9223372036\n    nsec: 854775807\n  liveliness: 1\n  liveliness_lease_duration:\n    sec: 9223372036\n    nsec: 854775807\n  avoid_ros_namespace_conventions: false'

Looking deeper, it seems like something of this form should work:

qos_profile = QoSProfile(depth=10,
qos_profile_dict = yaml.dump([qos_profile.get_c_qos_profile().to_dict()])

... but it doesn't quite handle the Duration types correctly and you get this:

TypeError: cannot pickle 'rclpy._rclpy_pybind11.rcl_duration_t' object

Offered QoS profiles is, agreed, a pretty awkward part of this data structure. It was implemented that way as a workaround for some circular dependencies, long ago. It could use some rework - I even opened #1197 but there just hasn't been time to finish it.

The source for how the YAML is serialized/deserialized is in - hopefully that can give some more insight into the structure. Any PR to the README would be welcome for review.

@asymingt We recently made structural changes and cleanup in the scope of the #1476 and now we are using std::vector<rclcpp::QoS> offered_qos_profiles; in the TopicMetadata instead of the previous serialized version of qos_profiles.
Now it is pretty clear and obvious what parameters should correspond to what value in this data structure since now it is a rclcpp::QoS structure and pretty much corresponds to the dedicated section in the readme file Overriding QoS Profiles

  • Closing this issue as done in the scope of the #1476.

Feel free to reopen if you think more changes are needed.