
Enhanced Query Operators

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I love the framework, however I was missing 2 query operators, isnull, isnotnull.

Please find the enhancement below:

  • Copyright 2012 Ross Bamford
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  • You may obtain a copy of the License at
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  • limitations under the License.
    package com.roscopeco.ormdroid;

import java.util.List;

import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.util.Log;

import com.roscopeco.ormdroid.Entity.EntityMapping;


  • Represents and assists with building a database query that will load an

  • object (or graph). Mostly this class will be used indirectly via the

  • {@link Entity#query} method.

  • Example usage:

    • MyModel m = {@link Entity#query Entity.query}(MyModel.class).
    • {@link #where where}({@link #eql eql}("id", 1)).{@link #execute execute}()

    • MyModel m = {@link Entity#query Entity.query}(MyModel.class).
    • {@link #where where}({@link #eql eql}("name", "Joe")).{@link #execute

    • execute}()

    • List l = {@link Entity#query Entity.query}(MyModel.class).
    • {@link #where where}({@link #eql eql}("city", "London")).

    • {@link #executeMulti() executeMulti}()

    • List l = {@link Entity#query Entity.query}(MyModel.class).
    • {@link #executeMulti executeMulti}()

    • MyModel m = {@link Entity#query Entity.query}(MyModel.class).
    • {@link #where where}({@link #and and}({@link #eql eql}("name", "Joe"),

    • {@link #eql eql}("city", "London"))).{@link #execute execute}()

    */ public class Query { private static final String TAG = "Query";

    public static interface SQLExpression {
    String generate();

    static class BinExpr implements SQLExpression {
    static final String EQ = " = ";
    static final String NE = " != ";
    static final String LT = " < ";
    static final String GT = " > ";
    static final String LEQ = " <= ";
    static final String GEQ = " >= ";
    static final String ISN = " IS NULL ";
    static final String ISNN = " IS NOT NULL ";

    final String op;
    final String column;
    final Object value;
    public BinExpr(String op, String column, Object value) {
        this.op = op;
        this.column = column;
        this.value = value;
    public BinExpr(String op, String column) {
        this.op = op;
        this.column = column;
        this.value = null;
    public String generate() {
        if (value != null)
            return column + op + value;
            return column + op;


    static class LogicalExpr implements SQLExpression {
    final String op;
    final SQLExpression[] operands;

    public LogicalExpr(String op, SQLExpression... operands) {
        this.op = op;
        if (operands.length < 2) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Cannot create logical expression with < 2 operands");
        this.operands = operands;
    public String generate() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < operands.length - 1; i++) {
            sb.append(operands[i].generate()).append(" ").append(op)
                    .append(" ");
        sb.append(operands[operands.length - 1].generate()).append(")");
        return sb.toString();


    private static StringBuilder joinStrings(StringBuilder sb,
    String... strings) {
    if (strings.length < 1) {
    return sb.append("*");
    } else {
    for (int i = 1; i < strings.length; i++) {
    sb.append(", ").append(strings[i]);
    return sb;

    private final Class mClass;
    private final EntityMapping mEntityMapping;
    private String customSql;
    private String sqlCache, sqlCache1, whereCache;
    private SQLExpression whereExpr;
    private String[] orderByColumns;
    private int limit = -1;

    public Query(Class clz) {
    mEntityMapping = Entity.getEntityMapping(mClass = clz);

    public static Query query(Class clz) {
    return new Query(clz);

    public static SQLExpression eql(String column, Object value) {
    return new BinExpr(BinExpr.EQ, column, TypeMapper.encodeValue(null,

    public static SQLExpression neq(String column, Object value) {
    return new BinExpr(BinExpr.NE, column, TypeMapper.encodeValue(null,

    public static SQLExpression lt(String column, Object value) {
    return new BinExpr(BinExpr.LT, column, TypeMapper.encodeValue(null,

    public static SQLExpression gt(String column, Object value) {
    return new BinExpr(BinExpr.GT, column, TypeMapper.encodeValue(null,

    public static SQLExpression leq(String column, Object value) {
    return new BinExpr(BinExpr.LEQ, column, TypeMapper.encodeValue(null,

    public static SQLExpression isnull(String column) {
    return new BinExpr(BinExpr.ISN, column);

    public static SQLExpression isnotnull(String column) {
    return new BinExpr(BinExpr.ISNN, column);

    public static SQLExpression geq(String column, Object value) {
    return new BinExpr(BinExpr.GEQ, column, TypeMapper.encodeValue(null,

    public static SQLExpression and(SQLExpression... operands) {
    return new LogicalExpr("AND", operands);

    public static SQLExpression or(SQLExpression... operands) {
    return new LogicalExpr("OR", operands);


    • Set this query to execute the given custom SQL. This SQL must have proper
    • syntax, and will be appended after the "SELECT * FROM sometable "
    • generated by the Query itself.
    • Note that when using this method, you will no longer be able to use the
    • other methods to set query parameters (e.g. {@link #where(SQLExpression)}
    • and {@link #limit(int)}).
      public Query sql(String sql) {
      sqlCache = null;
      sqlCache1 = null;
      whereCache = null;
      whereExpr = null;
      orderByColumns = null;
      limit = -1;
      customSql = sql;
      return this;

    public Query where(SQLExpression expr) {
    if (customSql != null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
    "Cannot change query parameters on custom SQL Query");

    sqlCache = null;
    sqlCache1 = null;
    whereCache = null;
    whereExpr = expr;
    return this;


    public Query where(String sql) {
    if (customSql != null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
    "Cannot change query parameters on custom SQL Query");

    sqlCache = null;
    sqlCache1 = null;
    whereCache = sql;
    whereExpr = null;
    return this;


    public Query orderBy(String... columns) {
    if (customSql != null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
    "Cannot change query parameters on custom SQL Query");

    sqlCache = null;
    sqlCache1 = null;
    orderByColumns = columns;
    return this;


    public Query limit(int limit) {
    if (customSql != null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
    "Cannot change query parameters on custom SQL Query");

    sqlCache = null;
    sqlCache1 = null;
    this.limit = limit;
    return this;


    private String generate(int limit) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT * FROM ").append(

    if (customSql != null) {
        return sb.append(" ").append(customSql).toString();
    if (whereCache != null) {
        sb.append(" WHERE ").append(whereCache);
    } else {
        if (whereExpr != null) {
            sb.append(" WHERE ").append(whereCache = whereExpr.generate());
    if (orderByColumns != null && orderByColumns.length > 0) {
        joinStrings(sb.append(" ORDER BY "), orderByColumns);
    if (limit > -1) {
        sb.append(" LIMIT ").append(limit);
    return sb.toString();


    public String toSql() {
    if (sqlCache == null) {
    return sqlCache = generate(this.limit);
    } else {
    return sqlCache;

    public String toString() {
    return toSql();


    • Execute the query on the default database, returning only a single
    • result. If the query would return multiple results, only the first will
    • be returned by this method.
      public T execute() {
      SQLiteDatabase db = ORMDroidApplication.getDefaultDatabase();
      try {
      return execute(db);
      } finally {


    • Execute the query on the specified database, returning only a single

    • result. If the query would return multiple results, only the first will

    • be returned by this method.
      public T execute(SQLiteDatabase db) {
      EntityMapping map = Entity.getEntityMappingEnsureSchema(db, mClass);

      if (sqlCache1 == null) {
      sqlCache1 = generate(1);
      String sql = sqlCache1;
      Log.v(TAG, sql);
      Cursor c = db.rawQuery(sql, null);
      try {
      if (c.moveToFirst()) {
      return map. load(db, c);
      } else {
      return null;
      } finally {


    • Executes the query against the default database, returning a high
    • performance cursor instead of the complete in-memory list of objects.
      public Cursor executeMultiForCursor() {
      SQLiteDatabase db = ORMDroidApplication.getDefaultDatabase();
      try {
      return executeMultiForCursor(db);
      } finally {


    • Execute the query on the default database, returning all results.
      public List executeMulti() {
      SQLiteDatabase db = ORMDroidApplication.getDefaultDatabase();
      try {
      return executeMulti(db);
      } finally {


    • Executes the query against the specified database, returning a high
    • performance cursor instead of the complete in-memory list of objects.
      public Cursor executeMultiForCursor(SQLiteDatabase db) {
      String sql = toSql();
      Log.v(TAG, sql);
      return db.rawQuery(sql, null);


    • Execute the query on the specified database, returning all results.
      public List executeMulti(SQLiteDatabase db) {
      EntityMapping map = Entity.getEntityMappingEnsureSchema(db, mClass);

      String sql = toSql();
      Log.v(TAG, sql);
      return map.loadAll(db, db.rawQuery(sql, null));

Thanks, will take a look at this.