
Release to Maven Central

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there any chance this library to release this library to maven central?

I'm not adverse to the idea, but I don't have the time to get up to speed with current maven releasing right now. Do you have that knowledge, and if so, would you be prepared to contribute?


Just did a bit of research of how to do this and found a good tutorial: .

For this the ormdroid would have to be changed into an aar, which seems to be quite easy according to .

I could do some preparatory work for this, but I think it would be best if the accounts would be created by you, so that you are the only one who knows the passwords etc.

Just as another possibility, you could publish to JCenter. New Android Studio projects default to that repository now. It seems like a much simpler process, and apparently you can sync back to Maven Central. I'm willing to contribute time to this, since I'll be deploying ORMDroid to our company maven repository in the mean time.

If this is something that still has interest, I'd love to receive any patches you have? Apologies for the delay in getting to this btw...