
Failed to open database exception, yet the database works

Closed this issue · 5 comments

On my HTC One I get "Failed to open database" exception all the time.
Yet it seems that everything is working fine.
How can I get rid of the exception?

Can you provide more detail? E.g. is there an exception trace?


Hi Ross,
unfortunately there is just a few lines output on this error:

07-02 09:53:00.180    1512-1512/ I/Database﹕ sqlite returned: error code = 14, msg = cannot open file at source line 25467
07-02 09:53:00.180    1512-1512/ E/Database﹕ sqlite3_open_v2("presents.db", &handle, 2, NULL) failed

Fixed by #30 - please test if you can.

I already tested it on my project while fixing, but let me know ;)

Seems to work well, thanks for the fix!