[Upstream] Strange name on Windows
Opened this issue · 10 comments
same error in windows 10, I had to manually configure each icon for each cursor state.
You can use the fix I added there for now #3 or use it directly:
Rosé Pine BreezeX cursors.
CopyFiles = Scheme.Cur
AddReg = Scheme.Reg,Wreg
Scheme.Cur = 10,"%CUR_DIR%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes","%SCHEME_NAME%",,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%default%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%help%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%work%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%busy%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%cross%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%ibeam%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%handwriting%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%unavailiable%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%vertical%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%horizontal%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%diagonal_1%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%diagonal_2%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%move%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%alternate%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%link%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%link%",%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%link%""
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",,0x00020000,"%SCHEME_NAME%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",Help,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%help%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",AppStarting,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%work%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",Wait,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%busy%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",crosshair,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%cross%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",precisionhair,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%cross%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",NWPen,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%handwriting%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",Grab,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%move%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",SizeAll,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%move%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",UpArrow,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%alternate%"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors",Hand,0x00020000,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%link%"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce\Setup\","",,"rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl @0,1"
CUR_DIR = "Cursors\Rose Pine"
SCHEME_NAME = "Rose Pine"
default = "Default.cur"
help = "Help.cur"
work = "Work.ani"
busy = "Busy.ani"
cross = "Cross.cur"
ibeam = "IBeam.cur"
handwriting = "Handwriting.cur"
unavailiable = "Unavailiable.cur"
vertical = "Vertical.cur"
horizontal = "Horizontal.cur"
diagonal_1 = "Diagonal_1.cur"
diagonal_2 = "Diagonal_2.cur"
move = "Move.cur"
alternate = "Alternate.cur"
link = "Link.cur"
For Rose Pine Dawn, Replace at line 62
CUR_DIR = "Cursors\Rose Pine Dawn"
SCHEME_NAME = "Rose Pine Dawn"
Note: After installing, when the cursor window appears, you need to select another cursor scheme (don't need to apply) and reselect rose pine scheme, then apply.
Any thoughts @ThatOneCalculator (some more info in #3)?
I just used the build tool for Windows, I don't personally use or know much about Windows so there's not much I can do on this front sadly :(
@rahaaatul maybe this should be reported to clickgen: https://pypi.org/project/clickgen/
@rahaaatul maybe this should be reported to clickgen: https://pypi.org/project/clickgen/
I though about that, but I think it would be more appropriate for you to open the request yourself. Since you generated the install.inf and failed to set cursors correctly .
I have no idea how it works. Also I found a closed issue that's almost similar to this but not quite > ful1e5/clickgen#61
About the Cursor Name Display issue on Cursor window,
I think the name should be changed in your repo, to something like BreezeX Rose Pine
and BreezeX Rose Pine Dawn
. The issue is the accent é
. Changing it to e
, would solve the issue.
The thing is that would be a breaking change for Linux users. Maybe ask clickgen to normalize accents?
Could we do BreezeX-rose-pine-*
? We usually drop the accent and do all lowercase/snake-case for file names. What is the breaking change part?
The problem is that the key is being created with the REG_SZ type, but the correct one is REG_EXPAND_SZ.
This type supports accents.
For me, just saving the install.inf file with the UTF-16 encoding solve the issue @ThatOneCalculator
With Notepad++, i saved it with UTF-16 LE BOM encoding.
Ah, gotcha. This is 100% an upstream issue then. I'll keep this open, and will close if clickgen fixes this.