
bug: StatusLine is responsible for inactive tab highlighting

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Neovim version (nvim -v)

NVIM v0.10.0-dev-1406+g25cfe3fd4

Terminal / multiplexer

Alacritty / Zellij

Describe the bug

Before the 2.0 update, these settings allowed me to disable a background color for inactive tabs, so they had the same color as the terminal background. After the update, inactive tabs started to inherit the 'StatusLine' properties. So if I change something in "StatusLine = { fg = 'love', bg = 'love', blend = 10 }", it would also affect inactive tabs, which was not the case before the update. Also, the characters on active tabs seem to have become thicker, if I'm not mistaken. Is there any way to make them thinner again?

	highlight_groups = {
		ColorColumn = { bg = 'subtle', blend = 35 },
		CursorLine = { bg = 'foam', blend = 10 },
		StatusLine = { fg = 'love', bg = 'love', blend = 10 },
		StatusLineNC = { link = "StatusLine" },
		FloatBorder = { fg = 'iris', bg = 'none' },
		TabLine = { bg = 'none' },
		TabLineFill = { bg = 'none' },
		TabLineSel = { --[[ fg = 'love', ]] bg = 'muted', blend = 25 }


vim.o.packpath = "/tmp/nvim/site"

local plugins = {
  rose_pine = "",

for name, url in pairs(plugins) do
  local install_path = "/tmp/nvim/site/pack/test/start/" .. name
  if vim.fn.isdirectory(install_path) == 0 then
    vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--depth=1", url, install_path })

	-- --- @usage 'auto'|'main'|'moon'|'dawn'
	variant = 'main',
	--- @usage 'main'|'moon'|'dawn'
	dark_variant = 'main',
	-- bold_vert_split = false,
	-- dim_nc_background = false,

	styles = {
	  transparency = true,
	  itlatic = false,

	--- @usage string hex value or named color from
	groups = {
		-- background = 'base',
		background_nc = '_experimental_nc',
		panel = 'surface',
		panel_nc = 'base',
		border = 'highlight_med',
		comment = 'muted',
		link = 'iris',
		punctuation = 'subtle',

		error = 'love',
		hint = 'iris',
		info = 'foam',
		warn = 'gold',

		headings = {
			h1 = 'iris',
			h2 = 'foam',
			h3 = 'rose',
			h4 = 'gold',
			h5 = 'pine',
			h6 = 'foam',
		-- or set all headings at once
		-- headings = 'subtle'

	-- Change specific vim highlight groups
	highlight_groups = {
		ColorColumn = { bg = 'subtle', blend = 35 },
		CursorLine = { bg = 'foam', blend = 10 },
		CursorLineLn = { bg = 'foam', blend = 10 },
		StatusLine = { fg = 'love', bg = 'love', blend = 10 },
		StatusLineNC = { link = "StatusLine" },
		-- FloatBorder = { fg = 'iris', bg = 'none' },
		FloatBorder = { fg = 'highlight_med', bg = 'none' },
		TabLine = { bg = 'none' },
		TabLineFill = { bg = 'none' },
		TabLineSel = { --[[ fg = 'love', ]] bg = 'muted', blend = 25 }

-- Set colorscheme after options
vim.cmd('colorscheme rose-pine')

Pushed an update to unlink TabLine from StatusLine so you should be able to change either one now without affecting the other.

As far as thicker text, the option is called bold and can be disabled entirely via styles.bold = false or per highlight via SomeGroup = { fg = "...", bg = "...", bold = false }