
bug: Setting transparency = false still has transparency

mizlan opened this issue · 15 comments

Neovim version (nvim -v)


Terminal / multiplexer


Describe the bug

Seems like blend is still used when transparency is disabled


        dark_variant = 'moon',
        disable_italics = true,
        styles = {
          bold = true,
          italic = true,
          transparency = false,

Could you elaborate on what blend you mean? If your window is transparent that's unrelated. Screenshots would be helpful :)

Sure, sorry, was in a hurry when I posted the original issue. I use Neovide, which currently doesn't render blend properly, because it will bleed the desktop wallpaper through. Here is the link issue, which has a screenshot: neovide/neovide#2327 I tried disabling blend in the colorscheme with

        highlight_groups = {
          GitSignsAdd                = { fg = "#bacfc4" },
          GitSignsChange             = { fg = "#e6d2c1" },
          GitSignsDelete             = { fg = "#dbb6b4" },

and with both 0 and 100 values, but it doesnt work. Also, like i said in the original comment, disabling transparency doesnt seem to work either.

Oh I see, appreciate the extra info. This could definitely be improved from our side once I have some time but until then:

highlight_groups = {
          GitSignsAdd                = { fg = "#bacfc4", inherit = false },
          GitSignsChange             = { fg = "#e6d2c1", inherit = false },
          GitSignsDelete             = { fg = "#dbb6b4", inherit = false },

By default, these groups are being merged with the groups from the theme. Setting inherit = false should fix your issue for those groups at least. Note, you may need to update the background as well.

Seems that it's still occurring

It looks like Neovide might handle this via neovide/neovide#2471

After re-reading the initial issue you linked, though, I realised that we are using the blend property but never intended it to actually blend via Neovim's API—we take the blend value and apply our own logic to have a colour that looks blended. In short, adding blend = 1 or blend = 0 (not able to test at the moment) to the groups mentioned above may fix this.

I don't think either works

Yup, transparency = true is not working. other themes do have working transparency

@shivajreddy that sounds like another issue since this issue is about false not working. What are you seeing to say true is also not working?

@mvllow Setting the transparency to true does nothing, I checked with catppuccin theme and transparency works with my current terminal config, but if I use rose pine theme the transparency is always off.

` {
lazy = false,
name = "rose-pine",
variant = "main", -- auto, main, moon, or dawn

dark_variant = "main", -- main, moon, or dawn
dim_inactive_windows = false,
extend_background_behind_borders = true,

enable = {
  terminal = true,
  legacy_highlights = true,
  migrations = true, -- Handle deprecated options automatically

styles = {
  bold = true,
  italic = false,
  transparency = true,

groups = {
  border = "muted",
  link = "iris",
  panel = "surface",

  error = "love",
  hint = "iris",
  info = "foam",
  note = "pine",
  todo = "rose",
  warn = "gold",

  git_add = "foam",
  git_change = "rose",
  git_delete = "love",
  git_dirty = "rose",
  git_ignore = "muted",
  git_merge = "iris",
  git_rename = "pine",
  git_stage = "iris",
  git_text = "rose",
  git_untracked = "subtle",

  h1 = "iris",
  h2 = "foam",
  h3 = "rose",
  h4 = "gold",
  h5 = "pine",
  h6 = "foam",

highlight_groups = {
  Comment = { fg = "foam" },
  VertSplit = { fg = "muted", bg = "muted" },
  GitSignsAdd = { fg = "#bacfc4", inherit = false },
  GitSignsChange = { fg = "#e6d2c1", inherit = false },
  GitSignsDelete = { fg = "#dbb6b4", inherit = false },


-- Configure LazyVim to load the colorscheme
opts = {
colorscheme = "rose-pine",
-- colorscheme = "catppuccin",

Did anyone face issue that with disable_background set to true, it still gives the rose-pine theme background to nvim-treesitter-context