
New theme for polybar

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Link to theme repo

What would you like to do with your repo?

Transfer my repo into the org

Additional information

Theme i made for polybar, I included all 3 variants.

Grazie! I invited you to the organisation, feel free to transfer in :)

Per the repository, the image above the usage section should be removed and instead added in the GitHub settings under "Social Preview". The other images could be inlined—removed from the repository—and instead drag-and-dropped into any GitHub text field to create a link. This alleviates the need for people to download the images if they clone the repository.

Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for making this theme 💜

Oh, i’m sorry i’m not exactly a markdown wizard 😅, and the preview images were done rather quickly, i will fix it in the morning. Thx for fast response.

No worries! Once you transfer the repository I'm happy to make those changes as well :)

Sorry it have taken soooo long, i was bit busy and forogt about this, but it's transfered.