Edit project page
mihaibivol opened this issue · 3 comments
mihaibivol commented
mihaibivol commented
With the current implementation this page should have entries for
- Name
- Description
- Image Upload
- Add new edition.
When an edition is added a form will be rendered in wich the user inputs the name of the edition, uploads a representative photo from that edition and adds the timestamp.
The page will display the existing editions for that project. The user can then add a (user, role) mapping to that project.
The roles are global and can be re-used from project to project and from edition to edition. There should be a way to add new editions via this page.
mihaibivol commented
This could be done in two steps:
- Django views for project + Add / Edit / Del edition buttons (with sepparate views for Edit and Del)
- Edition UpdateView + Dynamic generated form for adding users to editions. (Similar to ProfileSet)
mihaibivol commented
This is done via Django Admin. It's ok to be left like this :)