
How to Join Images Async with Progression Tracking?

ProgrammerGithub opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to create a video from a bunch of images. I was able to accomplish that using "FFMpeg.JoinImageSequence".

This works fine but I have a couple of issues:

  1. I can't run the function async and the code hangs until it finishes. And the function takes forever if it's greater than 1000 images.

  2. I would like a way to track the progress of the function. So if I'm merging 10,000 images, I want a way to find out how many frames are completed so far or the completion percentage.

After looking around this github repo, it appears I need to use FFMpegArguments, ProcessAsynchronously, and notifyonprogress. But I'm having trouble finding an example that combines all of these together. And all combinations I tried create corrupted videos.