
(question) How did you build an EDID with multiple modes?

AAGaming00 opened this issue · 8 comments

Sorry for making an issue for this, but discussions are disabled. Anyway... how exactly did you get to create an EDID with multiple display modes? It seems to me like it only supports building an EDID with a single mode. Or am I understanding this wrong and windows gets the mode list for settings from something different?

Thanks for pointing out discussions! I've enabled them. To get multiple display modes I added multiple display settings here:

Hope this helps!

Pretty sure you can't send images from email on GitHub.

Thanks, edited.

Ah, no I wanted to add some custom timings (that doesn't even have 1920x1080 at all)

The custom timings are on the right side of the image.

Turns out the settings list is based on those two lists in the code, not the EDID as i thought, whoops.