what does the @ means in model.py?
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with torch.no_grad():
v = weight_mat.t() @ u
v = v / v.norm()
u = weight_mat @ v
u = u / u.norm()
sigma = u @ weight_mat @ v
Hi, @ is matrix multiplication operator added in Python 3.5. You can replace it with torch.matmul.
Hello,i want to know that what are the real_image and label mean in programe,i don't know how real_image and label get from sample_data function.
real_image and label corresponds to image of dataset and class label of that image. sample_data function yields this data by using ImageFolder dataset class. (in torchvision library) Please refer to https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torchvision/datasets.html#imagefolder for explanations of ImageFolder class.
Thank you very much,can you tell me which dateset you choose for this programe?
I have used subset of ILSVRC 2012. (10 classes)