
what does the @ means in

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with torch.no_grad():
v = weight_mat.t() @ u
v = v / v.norm()
u = weight_mat @ v
u = u / u.norm()
sigma = u @ weight_mat @ v

Hi, @ is matrix multiplication operator added in Python 3.5. You can replace it with torch.matmul.

Hello,i want to know that what are the real_image and label mean in programe,i don't know how real_image and label get from sample_data function.

real_image and label corresponds to image of dataset and class label of that image. sample_data function yields this data by using ImageFolder dataset class. (in torchvision library) Please refer to for explanations of ImageFolder class.

Thank you very much,can you tell me which dateset you choose for this programe?

I have used subset of ILSVRC 2012. (10 classes)
