

github-learning-lab opened this issue · 1 comments


Welcome to this Learning Lab course about finding your way through the history of GitHub repositories. For example, you could be working in repositories with a lot of history, many collaborators, or many files.

Before you take this course, you may want to go through the Introduction to GitHub course on Learning Lab.

In this course, you'll learn how to do lots of things, like:

  • Find relevant issues and pull requests
  • Search history to find context
  • Make connections within GitHub to help others find things

Cross-linking issues and pull requests

GitHub has special capabilities to help reference other information on GitHub. For example, when you reference another issue or pull request by number, that number will be hyperlinked. At the same time, a cross-reference is created in the linked issue or pull request. This two-way reference helps people track the relationship of information across GitHub.

a screenshot of an issue linking to a PR, and a PR with a cross-reference to the issue

Step 1: Find an issue

Below, you will see a reference to another issue. The other issue references this issue. The other issue appears to be a duplicate, so it would be a good idea to close it.

⌨️ Activity: Find and close the cross-linked issue

  1. Navigate to the other issue referenced from this issue
  2. Close that issue

I will respond with your next steps in that issue.