
Choreographed Christmas Lights Controller for the Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython


Choreographed Christmas Lights Controller for the Raspberry Pi

Powered by MIDI

MIDI files can be used to choreograph Christmas lights to music! midi-lights runs on a Raspberry Pi and the same hardware setup that works with LightShow Pi: a relay that toggles the power to 8 outlets. GPIO pins 0-7 are mapped to channels 1-8 of the relay.

A MIDI file contains a list of messages, each with a note, note status (on or off), and a time to wait before changing the status. A mapping of notes to lights allows the entire show to be choreographed with a keyboard.

If you don't like MIDI, the cached command list from a midi file is stored as JSON. This file is what is sent to the remotes, and the midi file is not required for playing (only for running choreograph.py)


Create a config.json file, a sample is provided. Modify to fit your setup. Install packages from src/requirements.txt

Choreograph a song

./bin/choreograph wizards or python src/choreograph.py --song=wizards

This generates the JSON command files

Launch a node & wait for instructions

./bin/nodeup upstairs or python src/hardware_server.py --node=upstairs

Note: you will have to launch a master node server. The play process below will make a request to localhost to kick off the song

Play a choreographed song

./bin/play wizards or python src/play.py --song=wizards

MIDI Note-to-Channel mappings are defined in config.json

Turn all lights on or off

./bin/hardware on or python src/hardware.py --toggle off