
Functions like array_column are missing

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It would be great to learn about the support for functions like array_column().


Looks like this was added in PHP 5.5. I wasn't planning going back that far, but is that useful for you to know about?

Can you say what other functions would be good to know about? I'm not going to turn this into a comprehensive list of ALL internal PHP functions.

Oh, i was not aware that array_column is so old. Maybe i've chosen the wrong example. How about all functions added since 7.x? array_key_first / array_key_last would be a nice start.

Yes, that would be great. Do you think you could add these and submit a PR? There are instructions in the README.

I can add it if not.

The plan is that, eventually, I'll sit down with the migration guide for each version and ensure it's got all the additions and removals in. But I need to find time to do it.

Thanks for this suggestions. I've added these functions.