Note: This experimental tool is not officially supported by Ariga or Atlas and is provided as-is.
A small command tool to split an Atlas HCL schema file into multiple files.
Accepts input schema via a file or stdin and writes the split files to a directory.
Supported strategies:
: split by schema: each schema is written to a separate file.block
: split by block: each block type is written to a separate file.resource
: split to file per resource. each schema is written to a separate dir, with resources organized by types into separate directories.
go install
Split a file:
# split by schema
atlas schema inspect --url '<db url>' | splt --output=./out --strategy=schema
Verify output is correct:
atlas schema diff --dev-url docker://postgres/16/dev --from <db url> --to file://out/
Schemas are synced, no changes to be made.
Usage: splt --output=./path/to/dir [flags]
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-i, --input=STRING Input HCL file to split.
-o, --output=./path/to/dir Destination directory to write the split files.
--strategy="schema" Splitting strategy options:schema,block,resource