Add pictures for each program
bphd opened this issue · 6 comments
I don't think that's feasible for all of these apps and it would make the readme extremely long and harder to read. If you have any examples of other readmes that have this many screenshots?
You can hide them with <details>
I don't think that's feasible for all of these apps and it would make the readme extremely long and harder to read. If you have any examples of other readmes that have this many screenshots?
It's done!? What speed! Give link to result
If you have ideas on how to get screenshots. Many of the project repos don't have screenshots. If you know how to automate screenshots it would be even better.
Have thunk about making it slowly with time but yeah maybe you can automatize with a command, something like
for i in $(grep --perl-regexp '#\S+' | sed 's/#//g'); do $i | commandThatCreateVideoOutOfCommandsIveSeenThemInALotOfRepoReadMeGoSearchOut | sed --in-place 's/#i/<details>{}#i/g'; done
I'm not sure that would add a lot of benefit for the amount of work it would require. I think adding a collapsible details with a screenshot would make the readme harder to skim/read and screenshot commands would need to be tracked for each command which would add more maintenance