
Missing error chain trace in Sentry

Dragomir-Ivanov opened this issue · 3 comments

When logging to Sentry, error chain trace is missing. Text representation of wrapped errors is there, but no File:Location trace.
Using provided example:

go run examples/sentry/example.go -dsn=<Valid Sentry DSN>

Results in Sentry FULL mode:

EXCEPTION(most recent call first)

wrap 1: test
wrap 2: wrap 1: test
wrap 3: wrap 2: wrap 1: test

example.go in main at line 54
	if initErr != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to initialize Sentry: %v", initErr)
	sentry.Flush(time.Second * 5)

Results in Sentry RAW mode:

EXCEPTION(most recent call first)

*eris.wrapError: wrap 3: wrap 2: wrap 1: test
  File "example.go", line 54, in main

Thanks @Dragomir-Ivanov , looking into it.

Hey @Dragomir-Ivanov, this issue has been fixed. Let us know if you are still unable to see the trace on Sentry. Thanks for the input.

Great @sum2000 , will test this soon. Thanks a lot!