
Can't clone and build Xamarin-Forms-Practices

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I would like to run your Sharpnado sample app.

I execute this, as explained in this page :

  1. git clone
  2. git submodule update --init

line 1 downloads successfully Xamarin-Forms-Practices in my local folder

but line 2 leads to this error:
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

I tried to move to child directory (cd Xamarin-Forms-Practices) then run again line 2. And now error is:
fatal: No url found for submodule path 'Sharpnado.HorizontalListView' in .gitmodules

Is there something wrong? thank you!

there was an error in the git submodule file :)

Works way better but still CollectionView folders/projects are not cloned, so solution cannot build.

Here is console log :
c:\KODE\sharpnado\Xamarin-Forms-Practices>git submodule update --init
Submodule 'Sharpnado.CollectionView' ( registered for path 'Sharpnado.HorizontalListView'
Submodule 'Sharpnado.MaterialFrame' ( registered for path 'Sharpnado.MaterialFrame'
Submodule 'Sharpnado.Tabs' ( registered for path 'Sharpnado.Tabs'
Cloning into 'C:/KODE/sharpnado/Xamarin-Forms-Practices/Sharpnado.HorizontalListView'...
Cloning into 'C:/KODE/sharpnado/Xamarin-Forms-Practices/Sharpnado.MaterialFrame'...
Cloning into 'C:/KODE/sharpnado/Xamarin-Forms-Practices/Sharpnado.Tabs'...
Submodule path 'Sharpnado.HorizontalListView': checked out 'f5869a681ded2b180f45d192e4665322e609c552'
Submodule path 'Sharpnado.MaterialFrame': checked out '35c565a7e990ed909b982bdafb6da42a28124a3c'
Submodule path 'Sharpnado.Tabs': checked out '4ae9519e3904a802d081f37d8b6bd06f5b9695b6'

and here is cloned folder content (see CollectionView folder missing)
01/04/2022 21:01 2 974 .gitignore
01/04/2022 21:01 391 .gitmodules
01/04/2022 21:01 1 693 Clean-BinObj.ps1
01/04/2022 21:01 2 045
01/04/2022 21:01 2 185 Settings.XamlStyler
01/04/2022 21:02

01/04/2022 21:02 Sharpnado.MaterialFrame
01/04/2022 21:02 Sharpnado.Tabs
01/04/2022 21:03 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices
01/04/2022 21:05 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.Droid
01/04/2022 21:03 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.iOS
01/04/2022 21:01 123 756 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.sln
01/04/2022 21:01 17 913 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.sln.DotSettings
01/04/2022 21:03 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.UWP
01/04/2022 21:01 2 156 StyleCopRules.ruleset
01/04/2022 21:01 Docs

CollectionView is in fact in HorizontalListView folder

OK, that's true. But in the solution file, CollectionView is expected to be in its own folder. Here is an extract of .sln:

Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "Sharpnado.CollectionView", "Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView.csproj", "{72EEC247-1B47-42BD-A7C3-803C03A94A9A}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Sharpnado.CollectionView.Droid", "Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView.Droid\Sharpnado.CollectionView.Droid.csproj", "{F2D4F3E6-CB34-4D17-92CA-0A9BFDE9C811}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Sharpnado.CollectionView.iOS", "Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView.iOS\Sharpnado.CollectionView.iOS.csproj", "{613205D7-8798-4BBC-BE46-8B024F4592E6}"

sln cannot compile; when opened in VS2022, CollcetionView projects cannot be loaded. Everything else looks good I think

godammit :)
can you try once again now ?

I still have a compilation issue. It's looking for a C:\KODE\sharpnado\Xamarin-Forms-Practices\Sharpnado.HorizontalListView folder but it does not exist.

6>------ Build started: Project: SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
5>Build started 03/04/2022 19:12:21.
5> Updating AssemblyInfo to Version 2.2.0
5> Created AssemblyInfo file "AssemblyInfo.cs".
6>Build started 03/04/2022 19:12:21.
6>Target ResolvePackageAssets:
6> C:\KODE\sharpnado\Xamarin-Forms-Practices\SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices\SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.csproj : error NU1104: Unable to find project 'C:\KODE\sharpnado\Xamarin-Forms-Practices\Sharpnado.HorizontalListView\Sharpnado.CollectionView\Sharpnado.CollectionView.csproj'. Check that the project reference is valid and that the project file exists.

Here are the created files & folders
03/04/2022 19:06 2 974 .gitignore
03/04/2022 19:06 387 .gitmodules
03/04/2022 19:06 1 693 Clean-BinObj.ps1
03/04/2022 19:06 2 045
03/04/2022 19:06 2 185 Settings.XamlStyler
03/04/2022 19:09

03/04/2022 19:10 Sharpnado.MaterialFrame
03/04/2022 19:10 Sharpnado.Tabs
03/04/2022 19:11 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices
03/04/2022 19:11 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.Droid
03/04/2022 19:11 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.iOS
03/04/2022 19:06 123 756 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.sln
03/04/2022 19:06 17 913 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.sln.DotSettings
03/04/2022 19:11 SillyCompany.Mobile.Practices.UWP
03/04/2022 19:06 2 156 StyleCopRules.ruleset
03/04/2022 19:06 Docs

should be fine now (finally :)