
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 SSL3 alert write:W:CN warning close notify D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 info_callback ignored I/System.out( 7476): [CDS]close[49938]

mariamalbarghouti opened this issue · 0 comments

i am trying to sign in using flutter_facebook_login: ^3.0.0 But i faces an issue which is when i press the button which is supposed to enable me login using Facebook it is loading but leading me to nothing.
the code is:

  Future initiateFacebookLogin() async {
    FacebookLogin _facebookLogin = FacebookLogin();
    // FirebaseAuth _firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.instance;

    FacebookLoginResult facebookLoginResult =
        await _facebookLogin.logIn(['email', 'public_profile']);
    switch (facebookLoginResult.status) {
      case FacebookLoginStatus.error:
        print("\n Error \n");
      case FacebookLoginStatus.cancelledByUser:
      case FacebookLoginStatus.loggedIn:
        AuthCredential credential = FacebookAuthProvider.credential(
        await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithCredential(credential);

the error is:

I/flutter ( 7476):  Error 
W/ResourcesManager( 7476): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ResourcesManager( 7476): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
I/System.out( 7476): [CDS]rx timeout:1
I/System.out( 7476): [CDS]rx timeout:1
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 sslRead buf=0x7f76626800 len=2048,timeo=10
I/System.out( 7476): [CDS]rx timeout:0
I/System.out( 7476): [CDS]rx timeout:0
I/System.out( 7476): [CDS]rx timeout:0
I/System.out( 7476): [CDS]rx timeout:0
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 sslWrite buf=0x7f76626800 len=1340 write_timeout_millis=0       
I/System.out( 7476): [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 sslWrite buf=0x7f76626800 len=5 write_timeout_millis=0
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 sslRead buf=0x7f76626800 len=2048,timeo=0
I/System.out( 7476): Close in OkHttp
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 NativeCrypto_SSL_interrupt
D/NativeCrypto( 7476):  sslNotify, appData=0x7f7a8b4a20 ret=1
D/NativeCrypto( 7476):  sslNotify, appData=0x7f7a8b4a20 ret=1
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 info_callback where=0x4008 ret=256
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 SSL3 alert write:W:CN warning close notify
D/NativeCrypto( 7476): ssl=0x7f7a8da980 info_callback ignored
I/System.out( 7476): [CDS]close[49938]