
I am getting no implementation found error

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Hi Sir,

I am getting below error when I had integrated the facebook login in my app please help me

MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method loginWithReadPermissions on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login)

  Future<Null> _login() async {
    final FacebookLoginResult result =
        await facebookSignIn.logInWithReadPermissions(['email']);

    switch (result.status) {
      case FacebookLoginStatus.loggedIn:
        final FacebookAccessToken accessToken = result.accessToken;
      case FacebookLoginStatus.cancelledByUser:
        print('Login cancelled by the user.');
      case FacebookLoginStatus.error:

The same for me!

It's happen too in:

MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method logOut on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login)

Me too :(

I restart the app an Work :)

You need to do a "cold restart" to the app after adding the plugin to your pubspec.yaml. Meaning that you stop the app and then run it again.

@roughike Still not working.
MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method loginWithReadPermissions on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login)

sbd2 commented

@roughike Having the same issue here when doing

var loginResult = await _facebookLogin.logInWithReadPermissions(['email', 'public_profile']);

Cold-restarting the app does not solve the issue. Neither does uninstalling, cleaning and re-installing the app.

@roughike its working on android device but on iOS it's not working.Error:
MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method loginWithReadPermissions on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login)

Any update on this? I also encountered this problem, tried restarting the app, different versions of the library & plugin, flutter clean, remove all the pub cache & podfile.lock, nothing works

I've deleted the app on the simulator and iphone, cleared build, deleted pod folder and it worked.

tzvc commented

Any updates on this? I'm getting the same issue

I'm getting this error too if I put the facebook id and stuff in build.gradle's manifestPlaceholders instead of strings.xml

No implementation found for method logIn on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login

No implementation found for method logIn on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login

No implementation found for method logIn on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login

Just quit everything and rebuild. It works

me too

MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method logIn on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login

This issue is closed but not solved at all:

MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method logIn on channel flutter_login_facebook

This issue is closed but not solved at all:

MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method logIn on channel flutter_login_facebook

Quit your app, and rebuild, if you want do a flutter clean, cold boot etc, it should work!

This issue still coming, I restarted Android Studio, Upgrade the Flutter, Clean it , uninstall the app, Clear caches. Did Everything but still same issue coming

Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method logIn on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login)

Hi @Yogi09,

I had similar issue than you. What worked for me is to make sure that the strings.xml was correctly formatted with the AppId. Follow this tutorial accurately and you will get it to work: How to integrate Flutter Facebook Authentication

I am also using this dependency: flutter_facebook_login: ^3.0.0 And it works fine.

@NizarBsb I followed this tutorial and also after replacing my account FBAppID and protocol id copied same strings.xml file in the android, but still it is same. :(

same issue

I solved it using

  • flutter clean
  • flutter pub cache repair
  • and creating a new mobile emulator

Please anyone solve this issue, getting the same error with shared preferences also, tried all rebooting, cleaning,rebuilding

@satyamraj123 , for sharedPreferences you can easily solve that issue by adding the following code before you use sharedPreferences.
SharedPreferences.setMockInitialValues(<String, dynamic>{});

same issue

Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method logIn on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login)

same issue, have anyone find any workaround for this problem.

Still have this issue on ios but not on android on android everything runs as expected but not for ios i did flutter clean flutter pub cache repair pod deintegrate i've probably did everything mentioned but nothing was successful

this is 2 years old issue, I am still getting it. I did flutter clean flutter pub cache repair and everything else mentioned here and now I am facing existential crisis ๐Ÿ˜ญ

i still have this problem and its like it won't be solved

So i have solved this like below :
I have made a new project where i have copied the sample from the docs of the plugin of had run the project everything went well then got back to the app where i had this issue in and it has dispersed like nothing happened hope this helps.
Good luck to everyone.

I solved my issue by doing the configuration. checkout the documentation for the full configuration details. Please flutter clean before starting the app.

No implementation found for method logIn on channel com.roughike/flutter_facebook_login

I faced a similar problem with another library.
in android it was working fine. But in iOS I get channel error.
after spending lot's of time, I noticed inside
ios>Runner>GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m file, my plugin couldnot register it's channel.
so I add it manually to the file and it work.

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 1 54 16โ€ฏAM

to know exactly what names you need to choose for import look for library files

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 1 56 31โ€ฏAM

for other libraries it should be the same process.