
SVG's Not Being Inserted

chookity-pokk opened this issue · 2 comments

I have this and svg-tag-mode installed and when using tag mode I can get SVG's without a problem. But using (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO")) doesn't insert anything. I tried the whole demo and never got anything to insert properly using svg-lib. Below is a screenshot of TODO as an svg tag and the highlighted section is what I get when running the svg lib tag for TODO. I tried several other words and I get the same result every time.


I am using Emacs 29.1 on Arch Linux and recently updated the svg packages this week.

Another example with the pie progress bar.


Okay, I ended up solving this by running (svg-lib-button-mode 1). I'll open a PR shortly that will have that at the top of the demo file.


For svg-lib-button-mode I think you only need to extract the line related to font-lock-properties.