
Installation under Eclipse Oxygen (4.7)

Closed this issue · 19 comments

Does this plugin work with Eclipse Oxygen? I used the install instructions as specified in the README
but Eclipse is not recognizing it. Any ideas?

Works for me on Eclipse Oxygen. I put it into the /dropins folder and it was there. I know that Max OS has some different directories though.

Well I am using Windows so it's a bit different, but that should be correct. Also I'm using the ZIP-ed edition that I just extracted and ran. So no installer. Maybe try that as well if not already.

I tested it on my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:

  • Downloaded the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (64 bit) tar and extracted it
  • Downloaded the 64 bit Oracle Java 8 end extracted it into [eclipse]/jre
  • Put the ermaster jar into [eclipse]/dropins

And it seems to work without issues.

Oh I see now that you put the jar file maybe into the wrong directory:

Should be directly under dropins:

It's possible but also unlikely. Did you have luck with the tar distributions? And instead of using the system Java you could also use an extractable Oracle distribution (extracted under /jre) like my test case scenario.

RE: the tar distribution...where is that downloadable from? The sourceforge site for ERmaster is no longer functional to install from. I'm trying the to use the ermasterr one but it looks like its only installable via the dropins method.

I meant the tar distribution of Eclipse.

tried it using the eclipse-cpp-oxygen-R-linux-gtk.tar.gz one...same behaviour.

missing dependency of the GEF framework. used eclipse -clean -debug -consoleLog
with a .options file in /opt/eclipse containing:


this puts nice diagnostics of why the dropins jar was not installing.

but...I installed the GEF 5.0.0 packages and still issues the WARNING message in the debug output stating that org.insightech.er_1.1.13 dependency on GEF 0.0.0

Wonder where the 0.0.0 dependency is coming from?

tried it using the eclipse-cpp-oxygen-R-linux-gtk.tar.gz one...same behaviour.

I tested it with eclipse-jee-oxygen-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz (Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers). Maybe you can try that one?

Wonder where the 0.0.0 dependency is coming from?

This is because no version (range) has been specified for org.eclipse.gef in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

but...I installed the GEF 5.0.0 packages [...]

Probably, requires GEF 3.11 instead of GEF 5.

David, can you confirm what version of the gef framework you installed on the Ubuntu LTS install?

downgrading to 3.11 legacy fixed the issue.