
Synthetic lego dataset PSNR only 19

jianglh-WHU opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi~thanks for your excellent work.
But when I try to test Ha-NeRF on blender lego dataset, I find the PSNR only reaches 19, but nerf-w PSNR reaches 28.
I'm not sure if the code running is wrong, and here is my code:
python --root_dir ../datasets/nerf/nerf_synthetic/lego/ --dataset_name blender --save_dir save --img_wh 400 400 --N_importance 64 --N_samples 64 --num_epochs 20 --batch_size 4096 --optimizer adam --lr 5e-4 --lr_scheduler cosine --exp_name exp_lego --N_emb_xyz 15 --N_vocab 100 --maskrs_max 5e-2 --maskrs_min 6e-3 --maskrs_k 1e-3 --maskrd 0 --encode_a --N_a 48 --weightKL 1e-5 --encode_random --weightRecA 1e-3 --weightMS 1e-6 --num_gpus 4 --data_perturb color
and the results are shown below:
Hope for your reply!!!

Is it possible that N_emb_xyz should be set to 10 instead of 15, which is more general?

The results are weird; try --batch_size 1024 --num_gpus 1 --N_emb_xyz 10 --noise_std 0

It looks better after modification, I think the main reason is noise_std. Thank you~