
Repository is not updated

Nordskog opened this issue · 1 comments

Since a while back the Xposed Installer will not update its list of modules or their latest versions, neither when synced automatically nor manually.

The latest version appears correctly on the Xposed Repository when viewed in a browser, but will not update in the app unless you uninstall/reinstall the Xposed Installer or clear its data.

Running Xposed Installer 3.1.5 on Android 7.1.2


Exi for Swiftkey latest version on the Xposed Repository is 1.5.3 updated June 23rd.

In the Xposed Installer, the versions page for the module only lists 1.5.2:
Hitting the refresh button on the versions page of the module does not result in the latest version appearing, but does produce the following logcat output:

07-14 20:02:28.289 27462-28343/? I/XposedInstaller: Downloaded with status 0 (error: null), size 66 bytes 07-14 20:02:28.295 27462-28343/? I/XposedInstaller: Updated repository to version 15407 (0 new / 0 removed modules)

I am receiving an increasing number of bug reports that turn out to be users running very old versions of my module, stemming from the Xposed Installer not picking up the update, so it is probably a reasonably widespread issue.

Most users are reporting the last version they see is 1.4.3 released on May 12th, so that may be when the problem first occurred. On my own device 1.5.2 did not appear until I cleared the data of the Xposed Installer, and 1.5.3 has not appeared in the month since its release.

Just an FYI regarding this...

I had submitted #458 pull request to help with updating the Repo URL.
