VRL is a toolbox for verification in reinforcement learning systems.


Require Python2.7 and usual python packages such as numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ...

Install Tensorflow and tflearn:

  1. pip install tensorflow
    pip install tflearn

Install Z3:

  1. From https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/releases, download Z3 binary for MacOS (source code not required) to z3-macos/
  2. export PYTHONPATH=pwd/z3-macos/bin/:

Install SumOfSqure tool:

  1. brew cask uninstall julia

  2. rm -rf ~/.julia/

  3. rm -rf /Applications/Julia-..app/

  4. Download and licsence the Mosek solver (Mac OS)

Download the MAC OS 64bit x86 MOSEK Optimization Suite distribution from https://mosek.com/downloads/ and unpack it into a chosen directory.

Run the command:
python /mosek/8/tools/platform/osx64x86/bin/install.py
where is the directory where MOSEK was installed. This will set up the appropriate shared objects required when using MOSEK.

Optionally add the path

to the OS variable PATH.

License the tool.

  1. Download Julia-0.6 to /Applications/Julia-0.6.app/

  2. /Applications/Julia-0.6.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia

/Applications/Julia-0.6.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia --version
julia version 0.6.4

  1. julia> Pkg.status()

  2. julia> Pkg.add("SumOfSquares")

julia> Pkg.status("SumOfSquares")

  • SumOfSquares 0.2.0

julia> Pkg.status("JuMP")

  • JuMP 0.18.2
  1. julia> Pkg.add("MathOptInterface")
  2. julia> Pkg.add("DynamicPolynomials")
  3. julia> Pkg.add("SCS")
  4. julia> Pkg.add("MathOptInterfaceMosek")
    10.julia> Pkg.add("Clp")