
Approriate Failure Reason.

Abhishek-90 opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
I faced an issue while creating a new firebase project from Rowy. The issue was that my firebase authToken expired. But it was initially unclear to me because this reason was not visible to me unless I opened the console to check for logs. An error box appeared in the bottom left corner but it didn't display any message(check attached screenshot). If the message box displayed the reason it would be better rather than opening console.

It can be a good first issue and I would like to take it up.

Expected behavior
The error box(in bottom-left) to display appropriate error message.



Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows
  • Browser: Chrome

Can I take this issue?

Hi @Abhishek-90 - this needs a bit of investigation to ensure this is a frontend issue vs backend.

cc @il3ven who will be looking into this adding comments.

@Abhishek-90 How can I reproduce this? From where does it originate? I think firebase handles refreshing of tokens so we shouldn't see this error in the wild. Anyway, if it is reproducible we can add an error message.

@Abhishek-90 Thanks for reporting this. I was able to find the reason and replicate it. It has been fixed internally.