
Provides functions to standardize exception messages and assist with common validation for Sass.

Primary LanguageSassMIT LicenseMIT

Renamed! This package has been renamed to @sass-fairy/exception and organised in a mono-repo for better maintainablity, an improved user experience, and full documentation. Explore more about the change at sass-fairy.com.


Release Version License

This Sass module provides functions to standardize exception messages and assist with common validation.



Install the package:

npm install sass-exception

Use the package like any other Sass module:

@use 'sass-exception';

Depending on your setup, you may need to configure node_modules as include path:

const sass = require('sass');

  file: scss_filename,
  includePaths: ['node_modules']

Public API

is-separator-invalid ( $value )
Indicates whether a specified value is invalid for a separator parameter.
parameter ( $message, $context, $names... )
Returns an error message stating an issue with one or more parameters.
parameter-type ( $context, $name, $value, $types... )
Returns an error message stating a parameter received the wrong type.
separator ( [$context] )
Returns an error message stating a separator parameter or variable received the wrong value.
validate-index ( $context, $name, $value, $iterable )
Returns a valid index for the specified iterable; otherwise, an error message stating the reason the index is invalid.
variable ( $message, $names... )
Returns an error message stating an issue with one or more variables.
variable-type ( $name, $value, $types... [, $message] )
Returns an error message stating a variable received the wrong type.

Don't see the function you're looking for? Request a new feature describing a use case.